середа, 31 липня 2019 р.

Corporation and Florida International University Essay

I am writing this letter regarding my request for funding to attend a business writing course at Florida International University. This course is only held once a year in our area and it will be on the 11 day of July ending on the 13 day of July 2013. The business writing course is the only course held of its kind and it is the most cost-effective professional development opportunity available to me this year. The writing course offers all the tools, techniques and concepts related to business writing, such as critical problem solving with employee communication skills, this course will be a major benefit and provide me with additional knowledge on skills I already possess; by teaching me how to write more clear, crisp and effective. The course will also guide me on how to dissect business documents so that our organizational initiatives will accelerate and performance should increase within Smith International, I will also gain more knowledge on the clarity, impact, and overall professionalism of on-the-job e-mails, letters, and reports which I deal with on a day-to-day basis. The course will be taught by Dr. James Johnson; a world renowned professor for Harvard University Business School, Dr.  Johnson has written several books and has lectured at more than 100 universities worldwide, his expertise and recognition in business writing has not gone unnoticed. Dr. James Johnson has been recognized for his work with U. S government organizations for his ability to critique an array of documents, his ability to analyze policies of privately sealed government documents. He has made his mark and comprehension on business corporations and governments all over the world. The business writing course that will be held at Florida International University will be a cost of ($250 value) this will include a business writing certification, recognizing the completion of the course, all the information printed on paper and presented, is free for all writing course participants, and can be shared with my colleagues who are not able to attend the course at this time. Thank you for considering this request for me to attend the business writing course.

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