понеділок, 24 серпня 2020 р.

Marie Antoinette Research Proposal Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Marie Antoinette - Research Proposal Example The final product was that the Widow Capet, as the ex-sovereign was summoned following the death of her better half, went into profound despondency; she declined to eat or play out any activity (Dwyer 2000, 182). Marie Antoinette was ultimately attempted by the Revolutionary Tribunal on October fourteenth, 1793. In contrast to Louis, who had been offered some an ideal opportunity to sort out a guard, Antoinette was allowed just a single day (Hibbert 2004, 56). Among the things that she was prosecuted of (a dominant part, if not all, of the arraignments were bogus and more likely than not lifted from gossipy tidbits began by libelles) were arranged blow-outs in Versailles, intending to kill the Duke of Orlã ©ans, moving a large number of livres of treasury assets to Austria, sexual ventures with her own child, reporting her child to be the new leader of France, and arranging the mass murdering of the Swiss Guards, in 1792 (Parker and Schoenwald 1983, 448). The most renowned allegatio n was that Antoinette explicitly mishandled her own child (Parker 1990, 140). This was said by Louis Charles, who, during his tutoring by Hã ©bert, blamed his mom. Dwyer, Philip. 2000. â€Å"Napoleon Bonaparte and the Search for a Sense of Self: Clues to Behavioral Patterns in His Early Writings, 1785-1795.† Consortium on Revolutionary Europe 1750-1850: Selected Papers, pp.

субота, 22 серпня 2020 р.

Identity - the influence between a person and crowd Dissertation

Character - the impact between an individual and group - Dissertation Example This proposition gives the exposition to examine the issue of individual and gathering conduct corresponding to a craftsmanship or gathering action. The perspective is the film business by and large and advertising advertisements specifically. Zimbardo (2010) contends that individuals regularly profoundly affect others. This impact will in general make individuals on the more extensive scale will in general act along lines that are like them (Ariely, 2009). In this savvy, we can look at the job of chiefs and significant stage administrators who get others in a bigger group to go in a provided guidance. Knippeberd and Baaren (2009) recognize that probably the greatest ways that individuals will in general impact gatherings of individuals is however mimicry. They characterize mimicry as the procedure of deliberately or unknowingly doing what others do in a given society. Copying is one of the manners in which individuals learn and furthermore increase social acknowledgment. Consequentl y, for example, we should check the effect of a significant star in a film or TV advertisement on the more extensive crowd. Will the crowds emulate that person? Or on the other hand will their face and exercises change to suit their quality. This gives a premise to investigations of the connection among people and the more extensive gathering. ... Besides, what is the job of the team and creation experts in making crowd conduct among the gathering? How do the people mix into the master plan? Thirdly, does the nearness of critical characters in the gathering influence singularity among individuals from the gathering? The exploration inquiries above will be offered an explanation to give an all encompassing image of the fundamental enquiry. To this end, we will need to test a solitary theory. A theory is a transient articulation made toward the start of an examination, which is tried for its honesty or lie in the real research (Kothari, 2005). The theory is that â€Å"lesser realized entertainers in bunches lose their singularity so as to mix with the more extensive group†. In this manner, the exploration will accommodate the essential research question with the sub-inquiries so as to recognize whether less known entertainers and on-screen characters keep their interesting personality in movies and ads or they surrender i t to the gathering character. The sub-questions will give an analysis of why the lesser realized entertainers surrender or hold their uniqueness in bunch scenes. Research Positioning This area of the proposition will look at the examination report. The examination approach will include the utilization of noteworthy and center ideas of independence and gathering character in the recording of films and advertisements. This heading will talk about significant speculations and a system of cases that would be concentrated in the exploration. This will establish the pace for the conversation of the three cases that would be inspected to reach inferences on the examination questions and demonstrate or discredit the speculation. The center idea that will be utilized in this exploration is the breaking point idea of Gladwell (2000). Gladwell tried to contemplate the point off change from independence

вівторок, 21 липня 2020 р.

What Social Issues Can I Face?

What Social Issues Can I Face?For every day of your life, you will face a number of social issues. Some of these can be simple issues and others require more work on your part. Some issues are necessary while others are not so vital. You might be surprised to find out that many of the most important social issues are ones that you don't even know about.Unfortunately, not all issues can be solved by politicians. In fact, many issues can only be solved if the people involved in them are willing to put their minds to it. For example, there are many problems that a person has with their hair. The best option is to take matters into your own hands and ask for help. There are people who can help you out with your problem and you just have to get yourself to them.There are many different kinds of issues you can have with your hairstyle and one of the biggest is the issue of wearing your hair in an unruly fashion. One way you can solve this kind of issue is to have your hairstylist create a style for you that is very flattering to your hair type. If you have very short hair, you need to keep in mind that this is the best option for you since your hair will be kept straight.Another popular social issue that is often neglected is the issue of sweating in public places. Many people have no problem with wearing some type of a sweat suit in public places but when it comes to hair, people often think that they are not as hot as others. The fact of the matter is that you can still sweat in public and your hair is no different than anyone else's. Therefore, you don't have to worry about your hair being too hot when sweating.Alcoholism is another social issue that people tend to ignore. Most people tend to drink in order to forget or have fun. However, some people tend to drink in order to make a fool out of themselves. Unfortunately, there are many people who take advantage of people like this in order to use them for their own gain.However, alcoholism is not the only social i ssue that can cause harm to your hair. The most common social issue is the one that many people deal with on a daily basis. These are bad decisions such as cheating. Although this seems like an easy thing to do, some people just can't resist taking advantage of others.If you happen to be dealing with a social issue, then it might be a good idea to talk to a professional. They are usually aware of the various options you have and will be able to help you get over the problem. However, this doesn't mean that you have to stop doing what you want to do. You need to do what you feel comfortable with and you should never let anyone convince you otherwise.You can easily research topics such as this through the Internet and you will be amazed at the amount of information you can gather from research and hair care products. You should also look up hair care products as well. You might be able to come across some very useful information about hair care products that you might not have found o therwise. This is why researching the different social issues can be so helpful.

пʼятниця, 22 травня 2020 р.

The Enlightenment By Locke, Paine, And Kant - 1492 Words

The Enlightenment was a cultural movement that swayed people who initially made decisions based on their faith to making decisions based on reason. It seems effortless but in reality it changed the game for many people back then. Even today, people do crazy things because of their faith and if asked to justify themselves, they would not be able too. People brave enough to understand this new paradigm shift like Locke, Paine, and Kant influenced society with their new fascinating philosophies that have influenced us till today. What they did not realize is how corrupt the development of reason would become. Rousseau understood reason and never denied it but also saw its future, which is why he chose compassion over reason. Through Locke’s, Paine’s and Kant’s examples we can understand that there was nothing wrong with reason until society took advantage of it and made it unethical; its clash with faith and a person’s emotions is unveiled beautifully by Ross eau and that would be society’s definite way to go if we desired to stand by our moral virtues. Locke looked at the world from the point of view of his senses, and he wanted to understand how an individual’s senses may alter the world to one versus another. â€Å"Our observation, employed either about external sensible objects, or about the internal operations of our minds, perceived and reflected on by ourselves, is that which supplies our understandings with all the materials of thinking.† (An Essay Concerning HumanShow MoreRelatedThe Enlightenment By Thomas Paine And John Locke1709 Words   |  7 PagesFinal Paper: The Enlightenment The eighteenth century embraced the beginning of an opinionated movement for new thinking about once unquestioned truths and actions. This movement, known as the enlightenment was more than a period of advanced ideas, as this unfamiliar way of thinking also lead to a change in the way that people began to operate within society. The ambition was lead by the attempt to break free from the past, overturning old ideas and moving forward. Enlightenment thinkers helpedRead MoreAmerica s Move Toward Independence1776 Words   |  8 PagesWhen one considers the part Enlightenment ideas played in America’s move toward independence, it is firstly mandatory to address two key concepts; what we mean by the term enlightenment and what these ideas mean in relation to American Independence. Broadly speaking, the Enlightenment is commonly perceived to be a philosophical movement of the 18th Century that introduced new ways of thinking and encouraged a broader understanding of the world. Howe ver, the enlightenment realistically isn t this simple;Read MoreThe Enlightenment Philosophers: What Was Their Main Idea2373 Words   |  10 PagesNetwork  » Literary Periods  » The Enlightenment 57 The Enlightenment The Enlightenment, sometimes referred to as the Age of Reason, was a confluence of ideas and activities that took place throughout the eighteenth century in Western Europe, England, and the American colonies. Scientific rationalism, exemplified by the scientific method, was the hallmark of everything related to the Enlightenment. Following close on the heels of the Renaissance, Enlightenment thinkers believed that the advancesRead MoreWilliam Blake was born in London on November 28, 1757 to James and Catherine Blake. His father,1600 Words   |  7 Pageswith the school’s president Sir Joshua Reynolds (Merriman 2). In 1780 he was hired by Joseph Johnson. Johnson, a seller of â€Å"radical† texts, introduced Blake to such writers such as Joseph Priestley, William Godwin, Mary Wollstonecraft and Thomas Paine (Simkin 1). He illustrated Paines The Rights of Man and Wollstonecrafts The Vindication of the Rights of Women. He also illustrated Mary Shelley’s Original Stories from Real Life in 1788 (â€Å"Marriage and early career†). In 1782 he met CatherineRead MoreThe United Nations Universal Declaration Of Human Rights1805 Words   |  8 Pagesthe worlds first charter of human rights is now identified in 593 B.C when Cyrus the Great; freed the slaves, established racial equality and freedom to choose one’s own religion (Fleiner, 1999) With the emergence of the 18th century’s Age of Enlightenment, the concept of human rights was elevated with strong associations to the philosophy of liberalism, holding connotations of freedom after the abolition of slavery, serfdom and suppression in Europe and overseas (Von Mises, 2005). However when theRead MoreLiberal Perspective of a State7979 Words   |  32 Pagesliberalism, which became popular in the twentieth century. Liberalism first became a powerful force in the Age of Enlightenment, rejecting several foundational assumptions that dominated most of the earlier theories of government, such as hereditary status, established religion, absolute monarchy, and the Divine Right of Kings. The early liberal thinker John Locke, who is often credited for the creation of liberalism as a distinct philosophical tradition, employed the concept of naturalRead Morehistory of philosophy5031 Words   |  21 PagesIdealism. There is also the  lumpers/splitters  problem, namely that some works split philosophy into more periods than others: one author might feel a strong need to differentiate between The Age of Reason or Early Modern Philosophers and The Enlightenment; another author might write from the perspective that 1600-1800 is essentially one continuous evolution, and therefore a single period. Wikipedias philosophy section therefore hews more closely to centuries as a means of avoiding long discussions

четвер, 7 травня 2020 р.

Report Proposal - 1923 Words

MEMORANDUM To: Information Manager Office (ATTN: Mr. Black) August 18, 2003 FROM: Operations (ATTN: Theodore Robinson) DATE: August 18, 2003 SUBJECT: REPORT PROPOSAL TO FAMILIARIZE PERSONNEL WITH THE COMPANY S COMPUTER SYSTEM AND LAN This report is in response to the various security and maintenance problem this company has experiencd over years. I propose to study the problem and develop a baseline defense in handling procedures for personnel using computers and the local area network (LAN). My proposal, written for Information Management Office and staff, will cover these areas: 1. An assessment of the problem and the need for this report 2. The proposed plan is covered in phases outlining an†¦show more content†¦5. Users not conducting virus scans on software and data files before loading them on to their assigned computer Most maintenance and security problems are occurred due to lack of guidance. Personnel assigned to the company are unaware of the many variables that effect one of the company s primary forms of communication, both external and internal. Needs The lack of guidance for use of computers and the LAN is contributing to the requirement for excessive maintenance of the company s hardware, software and LAN. By addressing this problem immediately, we can prevent hackers from interdicting the company LAN, set a baseline for the company information security plan, and alleviate unscheduled maintenance on network infrastructure. Scope The proposed plan includes a detailed assessment of the methods, costs and materials, personnel requirements, feasibility, and expected results. II. Body Proposed Plan. 1. Phases of the Plan: a. Informing all employees, on the Proper Use of Computers and LAN: First, the Information Management Officer (IMO) must inform users of the maintenance and security problems. We will demonstrate the staff interest by sending out an email to all employees and posting information on the bulletin board. In an effort to give employees a better understanding of why the checklist is being implemented, we will postShow MoreRelated Business Report Proposal Essay1678 Words   |  7 PagesBusiness Report Proposal I. Introduction: Statement of Problem. In 2003, the company experienced a major increase of problems with the Local Area Network (LAN). The LAN downtime has double from previous years. There’s also an increase of maintenance problem with computers systems this includes hardware and software. Some user’s have acquired the authority to load there own software on their system, this has attributed to some user’s purchasing or borrowing software from unimprovedRead MoreConcept Proposal Report Essay2605 Words   |  11 PagesConcept Proposal Report MARK2313-2010-Y Brand Management Tutor: Lynn Stainsby Student name: Xuefang Geng Student ID number: P09011557 Submission date: 16 March, 2010 Contents Introduction 2 1. Product description 3 2. Brand Equity Analysis 3 2.1 Brand name 3 2.2 Brand image 4 2.3 Brand awareness Brand-added value 5 2.4 Image Transfer 5 3. Marketing Plan 6 3.1 Market Gap and Competitors’ Performance 6 3.2 Market segmentation, positioningRead MoreHow Does It Work?1291 Words   |  6 Pagesbudget for the following year. GET ADVICE NOW The self-employed IVA proposal After collecting details of your finances and assessing your situation, we will refer you to our associated company PayPlan Bespoke Solutions Limited, who specialise in setting up self-employed IVAs. 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This report summarizes the complete review of Donna Dubinsky’s career at Apple Computer as the Director of Distribution and Sales Administration and the proposed distributionRead MoreFormal Research vs Business Proposal Essay778 Words   |  4 PagesResearch vs. Business Proposals Comparing and contrasting any business proposal can be a little confusing when there is little to no knowledge of what either of the proposal really stands for or mean. Every business has the opportunity for change or to seek change. These business environments are potential projects that intermingled with the start of a new product. Depending on the company or organization’s focus, will determine which proposal is best to provideRead MoreDe Havilland Inc. Case Report Essays1463 Words   |  6 PagesDe Havilland Inc. Case Report Date of submission: February 2, 2010 Executive Summary: Marton’s suitability as a Vendor for De Havilland must first prove that its proposal is realistic in price and does not lack any important elements to efficiently supply the flap shrouds and equipment bay doors to De Havilland. Once that is clarified, De Havilland must ensure that Marton’s is a viable entity that can perform its duties on a long term basis, provide the necessary warranties and guaranteesRead MoreThe Prevalence Of Childhood Obesity1678 Words   |  7 Pagesindividual or component constituent. There is a specific deadline date, in which proposed policy statements would need to be submitted electronically to the Joint Policy Committee at APHA s national office. There will be no exceptions to any late proposals. In the proposed policy statement, it should be able to introduce an objective summary of a recognized public health problem in a simple and clear content, while still effectively using references to show justification for the action called forRead MoreCommunication Styles Between Men And Men966 Words   |  4 Pagesaccurate in today’s society, I did some research and observation in the San Francisco Bay Area. And I found that most of Tannen s theories are still accurate today, but some are not. In the section â€Å"Fighting for Friendship† the author Deborah Tannen reports that American boys build up their friendship through aggressive activates. Men see the conflict an important way to make connections with the others. She gives an example of the male students in the University of Michigan and Michigan State UniversityRead MoreThe City Of Glendale City Council Meeting1189 Words   |  5 Pagesfor approximately 1 hour and 40 minutes. Several policy proposals were made and discussed in this particular meeting. This paper is aimed at discussing the various policy proposals made and debated at this meeting with a view to establishing whether they are acceptable or unacceptable to the Glendale electorate. It is, however, essential to provide a brief background of the City of Glendale before embarking on a discussion of policy proposals. The City of Glendale is located in Southern CaliforniaRead MoreApplication For An Expert Grant Writer1342 Words   |  6 PagesBasically, a proposal refers to the application managers used to request funding. The applications are published by the government funding, charitable organizations, agencies, businesses and other individuals. Indeed, a grant proposal writer should pursue the sponsor’s intention. An expert grant writer requires knowledge in various areas. Proposal writing skills are critical in an organization, an excellent grant writer should able to make a good research and connect the grant’s elements. The elements

середа, 6 травня 2020 р.

Management and Entrepreneurship Development Free Essays

National Institute for Small Industries Extension Training (NISIET) Training Institutions / Centres India National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (nisiet) (An organisation of the Ministry of SSI, Govt. of India) Yousufguda, HYDERABAD- 500 045 (INDIA) Phone: +91-40-23608544-218 / 23608316-217 Fax: +91-40-23608547 / 23608956 / 23541260 Cable: SIETINSTITUTE, Hyderabad Website: www. nisiet. We will write a custom essay sample on Management and Entrepreneurship Development or any similar topic only for you Order Now org | www. nisiet. gov. in | www. nisiet. com Welcome to ni-msme Golden Jubilee Year 2012 50 Years in Service of MSME (1962- 2012) Shri Vayalar Ravi Honorable Minister i-msme, since its inception in 1960 by the Government of India, has taken gigantic strides to become the premier institution for the promotion, development and modernization of the SME sector. An autonomous arm of the Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs), the Institute strives to achieve its avowed objectives through a gamut of operations ranging from training, consultancy, research and education, to extension and information services. A Centre of Excellence It was in 1984 that the UNIDO had recognized SIET as an institute of meritorious performance under its Centres of Excellence Scheme to extend aid. Subsequently, it was also accorded national status and SIET Institute became nisiet in the same year. To cope with the precut of globalization, the Government of India has enacted Micro, Small, Medium Enterprises Development (MSMED) Bill in the Parliament which was commenced on 2nd October 2006. Accordingly, the institute also has emerged as an apex organisation by changing its structure as well as name as ni-msme from 11th April 2007. Our Charter The primary objective was to be the trainer of trainers. Today, with the technological development and ever-changing market scenario, our involvement has undergone changes too. From being merely trainers we have widened our scope of activities to consultancy, research, extension and information services. The arrival of IT has only broadened our horizons. The Leap Forward †¢ Dramatic increase in long-term and diploma programmes. †¢Turning new corners in Information Technology. †¢Spotlighting of topical issues through conferences, seminars, etc. †¢Greater attention to need based programmes. †¢Shift towards client driven approach and innovative interventions. †¢Programme evaluation. †¢Emphasis on research publications. SEDME (Small Enterprises Development, Management, Extension) Journal SEDME Journal breathed its first in 1974, when the academic community of the institute felt the need for a forum through which they could express and exchange their thoughts and opinions on small enterprise related policies, programmes, etc. Since then, it has evolved into a healthy journal of acknowledged quality in the domain of small enterprise, attracting contributors and users not only from every corner of the country but also from other developing as well as developed countries. SEDME Journal has been bringing out exclusive theme focussed numbers (IPR, EDP, Rural Industrialisation, Finance, etc. ) and is widely sought after by researchers, practitioners and promotional bodies concerned with small enterprise one way or the other. The editorial team of Journal take pride in stating that during the massive quarter century of the Journal’s existence, it has been a sui generis journal dedicated to small enterprise, and continues to maintain that premier position. The annual inland subscription for Journal is Rs. 600 and the overseas subscription is US $ 150. In case of desiring airmail or speed post delivery, US $ 20 may be added. For further information regarding Journal, please contact: Editor SEDME Journal, ni-msme. Yousufguda. Hyderabad 500045, India. Editor : V Vishwas Rao Annual subscription : Rs. 600 (India), US $ 150 (Foreign) Contributors Contributors to SEDME Journal include policy makers, researchers, academicians, financiers, executives and other officials associated with MSME promotional activities. A random selection from the back volumes would show contributors from countries as far apart as Bangladessh, Canada, Korea, UK and Iran. Contributors interested in publishing their articles in SEDME Journal may please note the following 1. Please ensure that the articles are analytically perceptive or empirically elucidative, at least 2000 words in length, typed in double space on one side only, and are sent in duplicate. 2. In cases where the article is sent in a floppy disk or through e-mail, please ensure that the article comes through as a file attachment in Microsoft Word, that the file name(s) are given for all parts of the article, and one hard copy is sent through regular mail. . Please check that the sources are clearly cited for all the ideas, concepts, graphics and other information, and that the citations are complete in all respects. This helps avoid processing delays. 4. Please enclose a declaration stating that the article is your original effort prepared for SEDME Journal and has not been published or pending publication in any other periodical/newspaper/magazine, etc. , signed by all the authors. 5. T he copyright of the selected articles shall rest with SEDME Journal. 6. Articles which are sent for theme specials, and not included therein, may be published later, in due course. Forging Ahead Over the years the Institute has gained immense experience and expertise in the areas of entrepreneurship development, technology, management, extension and information services. ni-msme’s inherent capacity to innovate together with its top-class infrastructure has enabled the institute to excel in its endeavours towards micro and small enterprise promotion. From the time of inception, ni-msme has been providing unstintied support to small and medium ndustries and has evolved to be the best in offering services like research, consultancy, information, training and extension to not only enterprises but also to concerned development agencies. The knowledge driven and volatile economy of the present days is posing greater challenges to MSMEs. Further, globalisation is threatening the survival of MSMEs in the face of tough competition. ni-msme has always been conceiving specialised need-based programmes, workshops and seminars in tune with the changing policy and economic situation. These activities have been primarily aimed at the industry and supporting systems so as to enable them to deal with aspects that directly or indirectly affect the success of enterprise. In the present era of globalisation, ni-msme’s programmes are designed to have universal relevance. Through these specialised programmes, ni-msmehas been successfully training the entrepreneurs to face challenges; help them cope with competition; and gain the much-needed competitive edge in the global scenario. ni-msme has broken geographical barriers by extending its expertise and services to other developing and developed nations. i-msme has had profitable interface with several international agencies like CFTC (Commonwealth Fund for Technical Co-operation), UNESCO (United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organisation), UNDP (United Nations Development Programme), Ford Foundation, GTZ of Germany, USAID (United States Agency for International Development), and ILO (International Lab our Organisation), to name a few. Achievements Spectrum †¢Conducted a Pioneering Research Study in Achievement Motivation in association with Prof. David McClelland’s Kakinada Experiment (1964). Organised the First Executive Laboratory in India (1964) . †¢Conducted the First International Training Programme in SME Development (1967). †¢Developed the Concept of Appropriate Technologies in Indian Industry (1969). †¢Established a Specialised Information Centre, the Small Enterprises National Documentation Centre (SENDOC) (1971). †¢Assisted The Tanzanian Government in Establishing a SIDO (1974). †¢Established a Branch Regional Centre at Guwahati (1979). †¢Attained National Status and Renamed as National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (nisiet) (1984). Prepared Case Studies and Video Documentaries on ST Entreprenuers (1986). †¢Developed The First Computerised Software Package on Simulation Exercises for Small Industry Manageme nt (SIMSIM) (1987); Project Appraisal and Evaluation (CAPE) (1996). †¢UNESCO Chair (1997). †¢Achieved Self – sufficiency (2001-02). †¢B2B Transactions with Uganda, Namibia, South Africa, Bhutan, Nigeria, Sudan, Cameroon and Ghana (2000 – 2007). †¢National workshop on MSME Cluster Development conducted in New Delhi (2008). †¢International Programmes for Bank of Ghana (2006-08); All-time record of 28 international Executive Development Programmes, 5 of them specially for African countries (2007-08) †¢Outreach programme for African women executives as a fore-runner to India-Africa Forum Summit (2008) †¢International Programmes for Bangladesh Small Cottage Industries Corporation (BSCIC) (2008-09) Organisation Spectrum Functional Spectrum Pioneer Training Programmes ni-msme has initiated several specialised and tailor-made training programmes, the first of their kind in the cream of MSME. A few of them are †¢Management Development Pr ogrammes. †¢Programme on Area Development. †¢Programme on Feasibility Survey and Analysis. Programme on Industrial Estates. †¢Programme for Young Engineers and Technocrats. †¢Vertically Integrated Course on Orientation through Small Industry Development for IAS / IES Officers. †¢Effective Development Programmes for Rationalised Employees of State and Central PSUs. †¢Exclusive Programmes for International Executives of Various Themes on Regular Basis. †¢Enterprise Development and Government Effectiveness (EDGE) Programme for Srilankan Administrative Officials. †¢Sensitivity Training in Production Planning and Control. †¢Faculty Development Programmes. †¢Programmes on Cluster Development. †¢Programmes on Cluster Development. Programmes on Focused Themes for Executives of North E Outstanding Research and Consultancy Studies ni-msme has been instrumental in conducting several outstanding research / consultancy studies that include. †¢Development of Pochampad Region (1972). †¢Identification of Growth Centres in Vidharbha Region (1973). †¢Industrial Potential Studies of Different Regions in the Country (since 1974). †¢Impact / Evaluation Studies on Major Government Programmes and Schemes such as TYRSEM, DWCRA, PMRY, SEEUY, CMEY, ADARANA, IIDs, SHGs, WDCs, Development Commissioner (Handlooms), Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), and NBCFDC. Policy Research Studies (since 1978). †¢Preparation of Check-list for Diagnosis of Sick Units and Case Studies (from 1981). †¢District Development and Regional Planning Studies. †¢Techno-economic Feasibility Studies in Textiles and Handicrafts Sector of Arunachal Pradesh (2001). †¢Study on Identification of Projects for Specific Resource Base in Northeastern Region (2003). †¢Vision Document for Empowering Women in Mauritius (2003). †¢Project Profiles on SMEs for Mauritius (2004). †¢Information Requirements of SMEs (200 5). †¢Hand-holding, Monitoring, Implementation of MSME Clusters (2004-07). Hand-holding of SFURTI, Handlooms, Handicrafts Clusters (2006 onwards). †¢Evaluation Study of Ongoing Schemes of NBCFDC in the State of Tamilnadu (2008) †¢Evaluation of NBCFDC Schemes in the Union Territory of Puducherry, Goa and Kerala (2009-10) †¢Evaluation of the Functioning of Innovative and Experimental Programmes on Schools run by Bhagavatula Charitable Trust (BCT) under Rajiv Vidhya Mission, Andhra Pradesh in Visakhapatnam District (2009-10) †¢Evaluation Study for Bringing More Effectiveness in Implementation of the Schemes under AHVY sponsored by the Office of Development Commissioner (Handicrafts), Ministry of Textiles, Govt. f India, New Delhi (2009-10) †¢Preparation of Training Modules for Ministry of Housing Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. of India (2009-10) †¢Execution of Research Studies Sponsored by the Ministry of Housing Urban Poverty Alleviation, Govt. o f India (2009-10) Excellence Our Forte ni-msme has made many memorable contributions to enterprise development both nationally and internationally. MSMEs and executives from all over the world have been taking the advantage of the programmes, workshops and seminars on contemporary themes organised at ni-msme. Some of the Institutes cornerstone interventions like the first international programme (1967) conducted with assistance from UNIDO; Simulation Exercises for Small Industry Management (SIMSIM) (1987); the UNESCO Chair(1997) International Workshop in Promotion of Small and Medium Enterprises (PROSME) (1998); Export Production Villages (1999); Trade Related Development Programme for Women (TREAD) (2000); Entrepreneurship Development in the New Millennium (2001); Training of Mothers of Child Labour in Income Generation Skills Under Child Labour Eradication Project by ILO (2001); B2B Transactions with Uganda, Namibia, South Africa, Bhutan, Nigeria , Sudan, Ghana, reflect the national and international acclaim. nimsme has gained through its excellence and commitment, by blending the best of the traditional with the smart, modern day techniques, world-class facilities and continuously exploring and inventing custom-based methodologies. ni-msme is not a mere solutions provider but is evolvi ng as a value-added partner. The infrastructure and facilities at the ni-msme campus are at par with international standards. They reflect the natural excellence that qualifies every activity and attribute of the Institute. ni-msme has embraced technology in all its functions to keep pace with the tenor of the times and to make its services more efficient. State-of-the-art facilities, pleasant environs, proven methodologies supported by modern academic infrastructure, experienced faculty, expert consultants and resource persons and above all, decades of experience complemented by a modern and creative outlook, have given a new definition to the standard of services provided by the Institute. It is now recognised as being among the best training, research and extension facilities in the world. Members of Governing Council S. No. Name and Address Hon’ble Minister of MSME Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Chairman 2Secretary to the Government of India Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Vice-Chairman 3Additional Secretary D evelopment Commissioner (MSME) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India, Nirman Bhavan, Moulana Azad Road, New Delhi 110 011Member 4Additional Secretary Financial Adviser, Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Member 5Joint Secretary (Administration) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Member 6Joint Secretary (Agro Rural Industries) Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Member 7Chairman, Coir Board Coir House, M. G. Road Ernakulam, Kochi – 682 016, KeralaMember 8Chairman Managing Director Small Industries Development Bank of India (SIDBI) SIDBI Tower, 15, Ashok Marg, Lucknow – 226001Member 9Chief Executive Officer Khadi Village Industries Commission Gramodaya, 3, Irla Road, Vile Parle (West) Mumbai 400 056Member 10Chairman and Managing Director The National Small Industries Corporation (NSIC) NSIC Bhawan, Okhla Industrial Estate New Delhi – 110 020Member 1Director Entrepreneurship Development Institute of India (Via Ahmedabad Airport Indira Bridge) P. O. Bhat 382 428, Dist. Gandhinagar, GujaratMember 12The Director General In-chargeNational Institute of Micro, small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme) Yousufguda, Hyderabad – 500 045Member-Secreta ry Members of Executive Committee S. No. Name and Address 1Secretary to the Government of IndiaMinistry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Chairman 2Additional Secretary Development Commissioner (MSME)Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Nirman Bhavan, Moulana Azad Road New Delhi 110 011Vice-Chairman 3Additional Secretary Financial AdviserMinistry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Member 4Joint Secretary to the Government of IndiaMinistry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Member 5Joint Secretary (Agro Rural Industries)Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Government of India Udyog Bhavan, New Delhi 110 011Member 6The Director General In-charge National Institute of Micro, small and Medium Enterprises (ni-msme) Yousufguda, Hyderabad – 500 045Member-Secretary Our Clientele International Organizations UNESCO †¢UNDP †¢Ford Foundation †¢GTZ †¢USAID †¢UNIDO †¢ILO †¢RITES †¢BSIC †¢CFTC †¢Agricultural Development Projects of Nigera †¢SIDO of Tanzania †¢Bank of Ghana, ARB Apex Central Government Ministries/ Departments Ministry of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises â₠¬ ¢DC (MSME) †¢KVIC †¢Coir Board †¢NSIC Ministry of Heavy Industries and Public Enterprises †¢Department of Public Enterprises Ministry of Development of North Eastern Region †¢DONER †¢North Eastern Council †¢North East Development Finance Corporation †¢North East Handicrafts and Handlooms Development Corporation Ministry of Food Processing Industries Ministry of External Affairs Ministry of Finance Department of Economic Affairs Ministry of Labour and Employment †¢Directorate General of Employment Training (DGET) Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and Pensions †¢Department of Personnel and Training Ministry of Science and Technology †¢Department of Science and Technology †¢Department of Scientific and Industrial Research (DSIR) †¢National ST Entrepreneurship Development Board Ministry of Textiles †¢DC (Handlooms) †¢DC (Handicrafts) Ministry of Housing and Urban Poverty Alleviation †¢Jawaharlal Ne hru National Urban Renewal Mission †¢Swarna Jayanti Shahari Rozgar Yojana(SJSRY) Ministry of Rural Development †¢Department of Rural Development DRDA/ZPs Ministry of Defence †¢Directorate General of Quality Assurance †¢Directorate of Planning and Coordination †¢Department of Ex-Servicemen Welfare Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment †¢National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC) †¢National Scheduled Castes Finance and Development Corporation (NSCFDC) Ministry of Women and Child Development †¢Department of Women and Child Development Ministry of Commerce and Industry †¢Department of Industrial Policy and Promotion †¢Department of Commerce †¢Directorate General of Foreign Trade Ministry of Planning †¢Planning Commission Ministry of Environment Forests †¢Ozone cell Ministry of Statistics and Programme Implementation †¢MPLAD School of Enterprise Development (SED) It is one of the former scholastic/intellectual departments of ni-msme, continued with additional responsibilities in the globalised market environment. MSME development generally refers to facilitating progress in the economy and generation of employment by enhancing business development services, and establishing a conducive legal, regulatory and policy environment. In this context, the School of Enterprise Development [SED] acts as a catalyst for dynamic, integrated change in Micro and Small Enterprise (MSE) sector, looking strategically and optimistically towards the future challenges. The activities of the SED include programme evaluation studies, research projects, feasibility studies, potential surveys, rural enterprise promotion, backward area development, infrastructure development programme and project implementation for central and state governments, that advances an innovative and enterprise growth in the global and national scenario. On the international front, the SED provides a bridge between theory and practice of small business and MSE development by guiding/training the executives of MSME in formulation, development, implementation and evaluation of various facets of enterprise policy, with a focus to make the MSE sector more competitive in the global economic scene. Besides imparting training to the officials, the experienced and well-known faculty of the school focus on economic surveys in the nature of diagnosing the industrial potential, networking with national and international agencies, and other research studies pertaining to government programmes /schemes and impact studies. The School of Enterprise Development functions through Centre for Enterprise Planning and Development (C-EPD), Centre for Policy Research (C-PR), National Resource Centre for Cluster Development (NRCD), ni-msme NGO Network (N-Cube) and Economic Investigation and Statistical Cell (EISC) in the areas of Cluster development, Employment Generation, and establishing synergy with related departments, which of late became the centres of excellence through focused attention for holistic development. School of Entrepreneurship and Extension (SEE) The school of Entrepreneurship and Extension is one of the crucial and premier wings of ni-msme. The main focus of the school is on training the Industrial Promotion Officers and Extension Officers on the entire gamut of entrepreneurship development. The greatest achievement of the school is the world famous Kakinada Experiment on Achievement Motivation conducted under the guidance of Prof. McClelland from Harvard University. The school also has the credit of developing SIET Integrated Model on entrepreneurship development which was used to train thousands of potential entrepreneurs from almost all states of India. Another noted achievement of the school is sensitivity training (laboratory for executive development. ) Currently the school activities include training of trainers in entrepreneurship development, curriculum development, skill development programmes, women entrepreneurship, counseling, motivating and retraining the voluntarily retired employees of State and Central PSUs and research projects. At the international level, the school takes up consultancy projects on setting up Entrepreneurship Development Institutes. It also organizes programmes on training Methods and Skills for Managers, Empowerment of Women through Enterprises and Capacity Building programmes for NGOs and Government personnel. Besides imparting training on Entrepreneurship Development, the school acts as a nodal agency in implementing Rajiv Gandhi Udhyami Mitra Yojana (RGUMY) scheme of the Ministry of MSME for providing handholding support to prospective entrepreneurs. Core Competencies †¢Entrepreneurship Development †¢Training of trainers in Entrepreneurship Development †¢Curriculum Development †¢Training Techniques †¢Women Empowerment †¢Retraining and Rehabilitation of VR employees †¢Evaluation of Government Programmes and Schemes on Entrepreneurship Development School of Enterprise Management (SEM) Genesis This is a well-established academic organ of ni-msme. There is a spate of changes sweeping the enterprises across the globe. The economic reforms within the country with the attendant consequences, ever increasing competition, both global and local, fast pace of technological changes and a host of other factors necessitate revolutionary reforms in the enterprise management practices. The practices clearly have to be cost-effective as well as simpler to adopt and adapt with the power to impinge all segments of the enterprise. This calls for a paradigm shift in raison d’etre of the enterprise itself. In tune with this, the erstwhile Industrial Management Division is re-engineered and re-christened as School of Enterprise Management (SEM) laying emphasis on management practices, intellectual property rights and management education. Core Competencies The School is endowed with capabilities in the following areas and delivers through the instruments of training and consultancy, many a time customised to meet the requirements of client organisation, actively supported by research. The School functions with its full-fledged five centres viz. , Centre for Promotion of Advanced Management Practices (C-PAMP), Centre for Logistics Integrated Materials Systems (C-LAIMS), Centre for Industrial Credit and Financial Services (C-ICFS) and Centre for Intellectual Property Rights (C-IPR) and Centre for Environment Concerns (C-Eco). Marketing †¢market survey and demand analysis †¢exports, international trade and practices †¢industrial marketing †¢rural marketing †¢marketing of agri-inputs Management Training Methodologies †¢role play †¢small group activities †¢in-plant studies †¢management cases †¢management simulations and games Productivity and Quality †¢ management of productivity †¢total quality management †¢Statistical quality control †¢ISO 9000/14000 †¢OHSAS †¢HACCP / Six Sigma Finance †¢human resource management †¢industrial relations †¢human resources and systems †¢ISO 9000/14000 †¢OHSAS †¢HACCP / Six Sigma Intellectual Property Rights (IPRs) †¢IP creation, commercialisation management General Management †¢Benchmarking †¢Business Process Re-engineering †¢Japanese Management Practices †¢Performance contracts †¢Strategic management Clientele The clientele include both government and non-governmental organisations such as: †¢Corporate sector: PSUs and Private sector enterprises †¢Entrepreneurs and owner-managers of SMEs †¢Officials from ministries and departments of both central and state governments †¢Banks and financial institutions †¢Enterprise support agencies including VOs †¢International agencies In addition, student focused part-time post-graduate diploma programmes in areas like export management, TQM and ISO 9000 and human resource management and systems are conducted. This endeavour also serves the cause of continuing executive education. Co-working and Collaborations TSEM works synergistically with other centres of the institute to design and deliver value-laden content to the customers. It also networks with other national and international institutions of good standing through collaborations to administer cost-effective, client-centred performance improvement capsules. The School also leverages the expertise available within different sectors of the economy to service sector-specific clients. Vision The School’s vision is to emerge and establish itself as a sui generis seat of learning in advanced management practices that enable promotion of performing enterprises. Mission The School envisages realisation of the above vision through its mission of promotion and propagation of advanced management practices that are low in cost of implementation, but are highly effective in results and cover all the activities of the enterprise. This is accomplished through undertaking the triadic activities of training, research and consultancy, both within the country and outside. Thus its charter mandates it to work towards enabling practices that are: †¢Enterprise-wide †¢Low cost †¢High impact Compass of Services and Constellation of Benefits SEM offers a wide range of services in the form of training interventions, capacity building through management consultancy and other knowledge-based services through applied research. The tangible benefits, in addition to the many intangibles, that flows from our school are: †¢Productivity-driven cost leadership †¢Quality led competitiveness †¢Customer-coupled market share †¢Re-engineered organisational advantage Benchmark-based best practices School of Enterprise Information and Communication (SEIC) Genesis The School of Information and Communication (SEIC) is a well established unique knowledge hub of ni-msme in providing information services an d ICT solutions through training to both the national and international MSME community. To strengthen the informational base of MSMEs in facing the global challenges led to the formation of School of Enterprise Information and Communication (SEIC) laying emphasis on providing information services in varied forms and need based skill oriented Information Technology (IT) training using the latest technologies. Core competencies The school functions with its fully equipped sources of information and state-of-the-art infrastructure to meet the informational needs and ICT skill development training requirements of MSMEs, Government organisations, public and private sectors, NGOs, entrepreneurs, students, researchers etc. through its two Centres viz, Small Enterprises National Documentation Centre (SENDOC) and Centre for Communication and Information Technology (C-CIT). National WELCOME Presentation Director General, ni-msme Genesis Started as Central Industrial Extension Training Institute in New Delhi in 1960 on the recommendation of Working Group for III five year plan Shifted to Hyderabad in 1962 as a Government of India Society under the name Small Industry Extension Training (SIET) Institute Attainment of National Status in 1984 and renamed as National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (nisiet) Emerged as a distinct institution for promotion of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) Renamed as National Institute for Micro, Small Medium Enterprises (ni-msme) with enactment of MSMED Act,2006 Vision To become a global centre of excellence for creation, sustenance and growth of MSMEs Core Competency Enabling enterprise creation Capacity building for enterprise growth and sustainability Enhancing competitiveness under globalisation Creation, development and dissemination of enterprise knowledge Diagnostic and development studies for policy formulation Evaluation and impact studies for enterprise promotion Empowering the underprivileged through enterprises Functional Spectrum Schools of Excellence School of Enterprise Development (SED) C-IPD: Centre for Industrial Planning and Development C-PR: Centre for Policy Research NRCD: National Resource Centre for Cluster Development EISC: Economic Investigation and Statistical Cell n-Cube: ni-msme – NGO – Network School of Enterprise Management (SEM) C-PAMP: Centre for Promotion of Advanced Management Practices C-ICFS: Centre for Industrial Credit and Financial Services C-IPR: Centre for Intellectual Property Rights C-LAIMS: Centre for Logistics and Integrated Materials Systems C-ECO: Centre for Environment Concerns Schools of Excellence School of Entrepreneurship Extension (SEE) C-EIE: Centre for Entrepreneurship and Industrial Extension C-CC: Centre for Consultancy and Counseling WSC: Women’s Studies Cell EAC: Employee Assistance Cell School of Enterprise Information Communication (SEIC) C-CIT: Centre for Communication and Information Technology SENDOC: Small Enterprises National Documentation Centre LPC: Live Projects Cell Members of Governing Council Union Minister of Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Chairman Secretary to the Govt. of India, Ministry of MSME Vice-Chairman Additional Secretary and Development Commissioner (MSME), Ministry of MSME, GOI Member Additional Secretary and Financial Adviser, Ministry of MSME, GOI Member Joint Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GOI Member Joint Secretary, Ministry of MSME, GOI Member Chairman, Coir Board Member Chairman Managing Director, SIDBI Member Chief Executive Officer, Khadi Village Industries Commission (KVIC) Member Members of Governing Council Members of Governing Council Members of Executive Committee Secretary to the Government of India, Ministry of MSME, GOI Chairman Additional Secretary and DC (MSME), Ministry of MSME, GOI Vice-Chairman Additional Secretary and Financial Adviser, Ministry of MSME, GOI Member Joint Secretary to GOI, Ministry of MSME Member Joint Secretary to GOI, Ministry of MSME Member Representative of a State level Association of micro and small enterprises Nominated Member Representative of an Association of micro and small women Entrepreneurs Nominated Member Representative of an academic or training institution dealing with management or entrepreneurship development Nominated Member Director General of the Institute Member-Secretary Major Achievements Pioneering study that led to First Entrepreneurship Model First Sensitivity Training Laboratory- Ford Foundation First International Programme on small industry in the country Programme for Young Engineers for the first time in the country Establishment of SENDOC – A National Information Centre for SMEs Partnership with UNIDO – Industrial Estate Regional Development Feasibility studies on modernisation of SSI First Study on identification of Growth Centres Major Achievements Establishing a Branch Regional Centre at Guwahati Assisting in policy implication for establishing District Industries Centers Attainment of National status and renaming as National Institute of Small Industry Extension Training (nisiet) Prepared Case Studies and Video Documentary on Science and Technology Entrepreneurs Orientation on Small Industry Development for IAS Officers The First Computerised Software Package Developed on Simulation Exercises for Small Industry Management (SIM SIM) Major Achievements UNESCO Chair on SSI Policy Enterprises Development and Government Effectiveness (EDGE) Programme for Srilankan Administrative Officials Refocusing Academic Centers in the place of departments B2B transactions with developing countries Counseling, Retraining and Redeployment programmes for rationalised employees of CPSUs Little Angles Project sponsored by International Labour Organisation (ILO) on eradication of child labours Establishment of a center on Cluster Development (NRCD) Major Achievements Enhancing faculty competencies through international training and studies Started educational programmes Organised National Conference : Entrepreneurship in the New Millennium Attained self-sufficiency – 2001-02 Upgradation of Infrastructure services Policy Research Studies on various aspects of SMEs Entered into MoUs with International Agencies All time high income of Rs. 1022. 76 lakh for the year 2006-07 Regrouping Centres Cells under concept of School Renaming nisiet as ni-msme with effect from 11 April 2007 Major Research and Consultancy Projects (2001-08) Identification of Product/Resource-specific Business in Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland and Tripura Emergence of First Generation Women Entrepreneurs – An Exploratory Study Additional Income Opportunities to the Families of Child Labour – An ILO Project Study on Curriculum Models for Entrepreneurship Development under NEDB Scheme Diagnostic study of Crochet Lace Cluster at Narsapur, Andhra Pradesh Evaluation study of ongoing schemes of NBCFDC in Karnataka Evaluation of Micro Credit Schemes and Education Loan Schemes in Andhra Pradesh Major Research and Consultancy Projects (2001-08) Achieving self-sufficiency through ni-msme’s intervention for the societies of Girijan Cooperative Corporation Ltd. Andhra Pradesh Design of Project Profiles for SMEs in Mauritius for Small and Medium Industries Development Organisation (SMIDO), Mauritius Development of 20 clusters in the country sponsored by DC(MSME) Micro Enterprise Mapping of Self-Help Groups in districts of Rajasthan State Competency Mapping of Indian SMEs for Global Promotion under NEDB Study on Impact of Government Incentives and Subsidies on the Industrial Development in Andhra Pradesh Promotion of self-employment activities among the Tribal Youth Preparation of Business Plan for Handicraft Clusters Cont. Major Research and Consultancy Projects (2001-08 Integrated Handloom Cluster Development – Mubarakpur Integrated Handloom Cluster Development – Barabanki Evaluation Study of Schemes of Handloom Sector: Health Insurance Scheme Evaluation Study of Schemes of Handloom Sector: Integrated Handloom Training Project Evaluation Study of Schemes of Handloom Sector: 10% Rebate Scheme Study on Impact of Entrepreneurship Development Programmes Evaluation of EDI Scheme of Ministry of MSME Technical Services for Khadi and Village Industries Clusters Technical Services for Coir Clusters Hightlights:2001-08 Attained self-sufficiency (2001-02) Recognition of Employees Assistance Cell as Nodal Agency for training and rehabilitation of rationalized employees of Central Public Sector Undertakings (CPSUs) (2002) Providing Income Opportunities for the families of Child Labour in Previous: E-Commerce and Bridging Digital Divide: Telecom, Infrastructure and Access Next: OECDlight 9714499671 How to cite Management and Entrepreneurship Development, Essay examples

понеділок, 27 квітня 2020 р.

The Last Frontier Essays - Deer, Apex Predators, Bears,

The Last Frontier The movie The Red Balloon showed how society can be very hard. In nature, living is much simpler than in the city but yet it still has it's difficulties. Alaska is a good example of somewhere. Your mind doesn't have to worry about the troubles of taking care of the balloon. When jealousy attacks like dogs fighting over a bone you need to escape to a retreat to let it all go. Alaska is one of the beautiful places in the world. There are mountain sheep on the side of the road jumping rocks. The Mountain sheep have troubles of their own they have to watch every move they make for there lives. It makes you feel good that you are that close to nature's greatest accomplishments. The kid in the movie had to deal with the struggles of society, when his friend, the balloon, died he felt horrible so all the other balloons came to help him. In nature when a animal dies the others come to cover up the sadness. The movie pointed out life in a different perspective. The children showed how life ca n be real tough and you need to overcome them. In the wilderness there is always a problem with many things. The Grizzly bears in Alaska hunt moose so that is a battle in nature. The moose have to always watch there presence to stay clear of the bears. The little boy had to always watch around him to make sure know one was going to take the balloon away. The glaciers are so nice to watch in Alaska it makes you neglect those issues. All around, the trouble of society is very similar to the ones of nature. Society can be very cruel and harsh to you the trick is to over come it. Nature has many struggles in itself but the animals natural instincts help deal with them. As a child the struggles to reach and not being able to get it are all way's that we are helped to prepare us for adulthood.